Paper Submission Guidelines
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- Paper Submission Guidelines
1. Abstract
Authors are requested to follow the below format for abstracts strictly.
In addition to the abstract, authors are advised to submit an extended abstract only for reviewing purposes.
We publish only the abstract, not the extended abstract.
Page size and margins: B5, 2cm margin on each side.
Title: The title of the article should be in Times New Roman, font size 14pt, title-case (the first letter of each word in the title should be capitalized except for certain small words like “a,” “the,” “and”, “of”. E.g. Reinforcing Pepper (Capsicum annuum) Growth by Fertilizer and Irrigation Management Under Salinity Conditions). Non-English words like in vitro and Latin (scientific) names of plants and animals should be in italics, centred.
Authors’ names and affiliations: Abstract submissions must be anonymized during the initial review process. Please do not include your name, initials, affiliation, or any other information that could identify you as the author. Once your abstract has been accepted, formatting for author information will be provided.
ABSTRACT: The word ABSTRACT at the top should be in capitals and bold, with a font size of 12pt, centred. Start the text, leaving an empty line below the word ABSTRACT. The text should be justified, single-spaced, single paragraph, ideally less than 400 words. The whole content of the abstract should be accommodated within one page in Times New Roman. Do not repeat the title of the paper. The abstract should not contain citations or abbreviations (unless used more than once and defined in full at the first use). Include information about the purpose of the work, how it was done, the main findings and their relevance.
Keywords: Maximum of 6 keywords in italics and in alphabetical order. Each word should be started with a capital letter and be separated by a comma. Eg, Faba bean, Grain yield, Inter row, Legumes, Rhizobium
Use the given template for the abstract .
The abstract and extended abstract must be submitted through the CMT only as a single document in MS Word format (Doc, Docx).
Authors of extended abstracts accepted for conference presentation may choose to submit a full-length paper; however, this is not mandatory for presenting at the conference. If you wish to publish a full paper at the Journal of Agricultural Sciences-Sri Lanka (ISSN 1391-9318, e-ISSN 2386-1369) you have to submit a cover letter expressing your willingness. The Printing and Publication Committee of AgInsight 2022 will take necessary arrangements to direct those to the journal editors. The final decision of the publication process will be solely depending on the Editorial board of the Journal and will be solely based on the journal publishing policy.
Full papers should be submitted according to the authors’ guidelines of the Journal of Agricultural Sciences-Sri Lanka published by the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka.
Date: 11 September 2024 – 12 September 2024
Location: Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka, Belihuloya